Friday, December 15, 2006

What country do you live in?

I saw a bumper sticker the other day which said "Welcome to America. Now Speak English". The poor fool displayed a two fold ignorance: #1, the sticker itself called attention to the xenophobe driving the vehicle, and ignorance #2 showed that the yahoo driving doesn't even know the name of his own country.

Don't you think that the sticker should have said "Welcome to the United States ..."? If you don't, check our nameplate at the U.N. it says "United States".

Most Americans speak Spanish. English is spoken in the U.S. and parts of Canada. Except for Brazil (Portuguese) all countries south of the Rio Grande are predominately Spanish speaking.

It's a jingoist exaggeration to refer to "American troops" when we really mean U.S. troops. It's a likewise exaggeration to say that "The American people have spoken in our last election", when only the people of the United States have voted in it. Hell, if all the American people could speak in our elections George Bush couldn't be elected dog catcher.