Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Unapologetic Lefty from the 50's

I'm partisan. I'm neither Democan nor Republicrat. I'm on the left. Been on the left. Gonna stay on the left.

I started out as a middle of the road Catholic college graduate. enlisted in the army - I was subject to the draft and joined to bring on the inevitable. I remained an enlisted man for my three year term of duty which I spent at Hq., US Army Security Agency (A.S.A.) in Arlington Va. I had a top secret crypto clearance and was honorably discharged and awarded a Commendation Ribbon with Medal Pendant and a letter of commendation from General Lyman Lemnitzer, Chief US A.S.A. It was while in service to my country that I saw we were exactly what we said we were fighting. The awakening for me was the U-2 incident with Gary Francis Powers. I have tried to keep my eyes opened ever since. We did and do some very ugly stuff like lie to allies and mug private citizens in the name of democracy and freedom. More if you want it.

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